Grubstakes is a shared space where accredited investors share deal flow, discover new opportunities, discuss due diligence, and syndicate together as they see fit.
As Members
We are accredited in accordance with all existing regulations.
We contribute regularly to the group. We are proactive in the way we share deal flow, engage in the forums to share our analysis, join due diligence efforts and meetings with founders, participate in syndicates, open our networks and attend monthly meetings.
We are transparent. We disclose prior contacts, relationships and potential conflicts of interest. Our default stance is to trust the other investors in the group.
We strive to be efficient, to make good use of and not waste other people's time.
We act with integrity. We uphold the trust demonstrated by others in the group.
We keep all information about other members and their opinions strictly confidential.
We are respectful of deal sourcing. In cases of limited space for investment, we communicate and defer our position to those who brought the deal. If we invest individually in a company and we know that someone else may be interested, we let them know with the permission of the founders.
Towards Founders
We understand how hard it is to launch a startup and we treat all founders with empathy and respect.
We provide honest and direct feedback if required. We encourage founders to seek multiple opinions.
We don't waste your time. If the answer for an investment question is no or not right now, we let you know in a timely fashion.
We don't solicit nor use deal flow as a source of potential business or advisory positions.
We keep all information about the companies we come in contact with as strictly confidential.
We are transparent. We disclose potential conflicts of interest.
Irrespective of the investment decision, we help founders make progress and succeed through sharing our connection, our experience and expertise, and providing feedback.
How We Work Together
We are committed to a non-hostile, open and welcoming environment, a safe space for debate and discussion where all members are treated with respect.
We differentiate between: being right and doing the right thing, winning the argument and helping advance the discussion in search for the truth.
We are aware of our own human limitations and biases, and of our inability to gather perfect information.
We are willing and open to new opportunities for learning with and from others.
A grubstake was the term used to describe the materials or money supplied to gold prospectors
in return for a share in profits during the Gold Rush.
© 2022
Logo drawing by Tony Oliver. CO, USA
Images by: News Dog Media, Pinterest and Curtis, Asahel - University Library Washington